PR Finishing School2023-10-12T08:46:02-04:00

Why Choose the PR Finishing School?

We offer a curriculum and the opportunity to take online classes designed to prepare and train you for a rewarding public relations career. Study in your own time, at your own pace as you are taught real-world tools, tips and techniques for success – to use now or in the future – in a PR agency or similar job setting.

The PR Finishing School is for:

  • undergrad students
  • recent college graduates/new professionals
  • re-skilling job seekers
  • professionals newly tasked with public relations responsibility
  • an agency or business owner who wants advanced training for staff


The purpose of the PR Finishing School is to develop well-rounded public relations professionals who are ready to put their learning into practice in a job setting. Our teaching augments learning provided by a university curriculum and internship experience.

  • Geographic focus – our students come from across the U.S. and the globe

  • Outcomes focus – your Certificate of Completion is 100% earned, not guaranteed

  • Career focus – mentoring and networking opportunities to guide your success


The PR Finishing School equips upcoming and new professionals with the discovery, knowledge, skills, abilities, and passion needed to thrive in a rewarding public relations career.

Not everyone has what it takes to truly succeed in public relations. Some are born with natural abilities, others need to work hard to discover and hone their talent and skills. The PR Finishing School is the way to find out if you’ve got what it takes, and to help shape your career development.

Students in the PR Finishing School will be guided through a Certificate curriculum that is designed to ignite your passion, discover and hone your skills, and prepare you for real-world PR work. Your Certificate of Completion accomplishment will mean something to the business world when you present it to an employer as a credential.

If at any time you are not able to complete or pass a particular learning module, your PR Finishing School mentor will do all they can to guide you to success. Rest assured you will have our very best efforts, and we expect that you will give the same. When you get your Certificate of Completion, it will be because you earned it and not because you paid for it.

Respect and integrity are the cornerstones of our education values at the PR Finishing School. We take our teaching and mentoring roles seriously and expect students to take their role in the learning process seriously as well.

PR School News

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Contact Info

Mailing Address: 175 Grand Avenue, Pawtucket, RI 02861-2121

Phone: (401) 433-5965


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